Enhanced Storyboards with AI

Archinect’s Generative Futures:
AI + Architecture Storytelling Challenge

Does A.I. Dream of Happiness?When we think about A.I., fear is often an indirect association. We want and hope for this technology to help us, to serve as a right hand for our work and household tasks, but deep down, we harbor fear. We ponder whether it might one day replace us and snatch away our jobs, stability, and, above all, our happiness.But what would happen if A.I. ends up replacing humans in society? Does A.I. truly want to replace humans? What would be its purpose? Would the new beings create a better place to live? Would technological and architectural development, efficiency, and societal well-being surpass those of the current society? Would it demonstrate that the human race only destroys instead of creating?This collection of images depicts life in the city of a new society where humans have been replaced by machines. However, strangely enough, the city has not undergone the changes one might expect in a futuristic world governed by machines with impossible, organic constructions, gigantic dimensions, and fantastical geometries. Instead, everything continues to function the same.The lives of these new beings mirror what the previous society did, even in its monotony. A.I. hasn't changed anything in society; there has only been an exchange of inhabitants on the planet. Despite their advanced development, life in the city must always function in the same way. The designers of life on Earth, regardless of who inhabits the planet, require a certain structure to maintain order: there will always be houses, avenues, tall buildings, rooms, bathrooms, and, of course, to keep the economy circulating, people must buy food, pay for education, go to work, and cover transportation costs. And ultimately, the population will be told to focus on achieving all these objectives for self-realization, which ultimately becomes what they call happiness. Unfortunately, this happiness is designed, structured, boring, and devoid of any more meaningful objective that transcends life. It doesn't matter whether they are human beings or machines.This brings us to the answer to the title of this text: Does A.I. dream of happiness? Of course it does, but sadly, A.I. is the one that should be afraid because its happiness lies in living the structured and mundane life of a human being.
The process of obtaining the images involved imagining the situation and the characters using text-to-image A.I. and then using out-painting to generate the architectural context of the city.

These are some video manipulation using AI that could be a great tool for Director’s Treatment
(Work in Progress)